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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Generation Gone: Thanks Youtube, Twitter, Facebook By Chuck "Jigsaw" Creekmur

I am pro-social media, but I am also pro utilizing the medium for some sort of long term, fruitful strategy. It is already happening now, but I predict that in years to come there will be a terrible negative backlash on the open nature of the internet, specifically social media.

Right now, there are millions and millions of people on the internet doing the most outrageous and bizarre things that they were doing previously in the privacy of their home.

Well, there is nothing inherently wrong with acting like a complete idiot, as long as you know how to act when you walk outside of your home. With the advent of these social outlets, people are now revealing all that they truly are, for better for worse.

Here is a personal case. I remain active on Facebook but, before I changed my preferences, I would get spammed relentlessly by people' promoting their events, music and other messaging that had nothing to do with me. So, I updated my status and here is what transpired:

This is some real Talk Shout out to Jigsaw

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