TEEN DIARIES: How did you meet and how was Mrz. Smith born?
Mrz. Smith: This is Fe, the rapper of the group. I was a solo artist and the ladies were a duet. We were working with same production company at the time in NY. They flew in to do some hooks for me and I did some stuff for them. The energy was amazing. So we were like ‘this cant be wrong’ and the rest is history.
TEEN DIARIES: Mrz. Smith is a very unique name for a group. Where did you get the name from, and what does it stand for?
Cali of Mrz. Smith: We got our name from Mrs. Smith in the move “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” We watched the film and kinda like embodied a lot of her characteristics. We admired her independence and so we really embraced that name. And we just took it to the next level. So people are like why did you spell it Mrz.? Well we kept it Mrz. and cuz we’re very much married to music so that’s where it came from.
TEEN DIARIES: Okay, Gotcha! Is that what you’re trying to encourage young women to embody today. To be independent and strong.
Mrz. Smith: Right, Exactly
TEEN DIARIES: So, what do you think makes you ladies work so well together? You seem to gel well. What do you think that is charisma, chemistry… what is it?
Nani of Mrz. Smith: We’re really close in the group. We’re like sisters. We finish each others sentences. We just know each other. I guess it’s our vibe.
TEEN DIARIES: That is a true blessing. I’m sure you guys already know that. A lot of people find themselves in groups and they don’t get along so it’s really great that you do. So, What is the ultimate goal of Mrz. Smith? Where do you see yourselves in 5 or 10 years?
Mrz. Smith: To take over the world. To be successful. We have been blessed to have the people in our lives, good or bad. You know everything happens for a reason, and I think we just want to be successful and continue doing what we’re doing. Making great music and being an inspiration to others, as others have been to us.
TEEN DIARIES: Sounds wonderful. Now, who or what inspires you?
Nani of Mrz. Smith: Growing up Michael and Janet Jackson, Beyonce, Madonna…they pretty much inspired me to be an entertainer. Cali: Growing up I was definitely inspired by my family. My aunties. Teddy Riley, definitely an inspiration to me as well as Shanice Wilson. Fe: As the rapper in the group I grew up on Soul. So definitely Lisa Fisher has been an inspiration. Jay Z. and just a lot of people including my mom. She’s an undercover rapper ya know. But really she’s truly been a huge inspiration in my life.
TEEN DIARIES: Sounds like your parents have been supportive of your music career?
Mrz. Smith: Absolutely.
TEEN DIARIES: If you guys could collaborate with any artist in the world, who would you choose?
Mrz. Smith: That is hard. We were just actually talking about that. Jay Z…Beyonce…Stevie Wonder.
TEEN DIARIES: Wow, wonderful line up! Now this next one should be easy because it sounds like each of you have different roles and distinct personalities. If you could use one word to describe your personality, what word would that be?
Mrz. Smith: Cali - I say energetic. Fe - it would have to be swag. Nani - and I’m sultry!
TEEN DIARIES: Self-Esteem can be a big problem with the young teen population today. TD is working on a few ventures to address this issue. What do you have to say to young girls today about self-esteem and confidence?
Mrz. Smith: Self-esteem plays a large role in how someone carries themselves and thinks of themselves. I suggest you pick something out the box and try new things. Find what you’re good at, and I think that would be a wonderful way to enhance your self-esteem.
TEEN DIARIES: What’s next for you guys? Where can our readers get more info about Mrz. Smith?
Mrz. Smith: They can check us out at twitter. And we’re going to be dropping our single next month, and our album at top of next year!
Want to find out more about these amazing you ladies? Check out the Artist On Our Radar article about Mrz. Smith HERE!
This is courtesy of Teen Diaries.com
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